James Davis

NutriSystem Reviews - What Is It?

WARNING: DO NOT BUY NutriSystem Until You Read This Review!
Is it a Scam? Does It Really Work? Check Ingredients, Side Effects and More!

The aim of NutriSystem is stated as weight loss; prevention and control of diabetes (Nutrisystem D plan). The company claims that the user will lose about five pounds in the first week of following "Nutrisystem Fast 5". Then the individual is promised to lose one to two pounds each week. Nutrisystem defines portions and delivers the meals to the user. The latter is told what to eat and when. There is certain calorie restriction. The diet is told to be balanced and to include proteins, fats carbs, and other nutrients. Theoretically, there is an official website but when I tried to open it, I saw a statement on the screen of my computer that the access is denied to the official website. The manufacturer is badly known and seems not to produce any other products except for different dietary programs of NutriSystem.

Ingredients of NutriSystem - Does It Really Work? Is It a Scam?

The company offers three types of plans. Basic Plan involves pre-selected ready-to-eat food. Core Plan involves additional 100 foods. Uniquely Yours Plan involves additional 150 foods. You are supposed to place your order on the official website (if you succeed to) and food will be shipped to your address. Nutrisystem Programs include Women's Programs which last for 28 days, Men's Programs which have the same duration, Diabetic Plan which lasts 28 days and Vegetarian plans. Flex supplies 20 days of food per month. On weekends you may choose your own food. Another program is called Turbo 10. The Nutrisystem is based on the metabolic rate. Daily calorie intake varies from 1200 to 1500 calories. Every day you are supposed to have three meals and two snacks. The ratios includes about 55% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 20% fats.


The first week of the plan always includes two shakes and set meals. The first week is always strict to make you start losing fat. As you can see, the company provides the customer with the necessary food. It can be dried or frozen. Then you are supposed to put your meal into the microwave oven and eat it. To my mind, such a manner of nutrition is not healthy at all. I don't think that dried or frozen food has preserved its useful properties and nutrients. The diet plans include also drinks and desserts. Nutrisystem meals are said not to contain any trans-fat or high fructose corn syrup. In my opinion, such food contains a lot of additives and preservatives which are not good for human health.

Customer Reviews - Does It Have Any Side Effects?

As far as there is no open access to the official website, we can suppose that the manufacturer of this nutritional program has not told about any possible side effects or adverse reactions associated with its usage. I can assume that no side effects are possible, but health complications may occur. They can be connected with lack of the nutrients necessary for the human body. All food is either dried or frozen. I have no doubt that it contains additives for better storage. That is why I don't think that this program can effectively and safely fight your excessive weight.

Nutrisystem meals have been criticized for a big amount of sodium contained in them. This problem has been seriously addressed in recent years. The customers are expected to consume around 2000mg of sodium every day. Following this plan, you should avoid alcohol. Tea, coffee, and diet sodas are allowed. The user of any plan is highly advised to exercise daily. Only under this condition, you will lose weight. No clinical trials have been undertaken that would prove significant weight loss associated with Nutrisystem.

This system of losing weight is quite economical but it can be easily explained. You do not receive food of high quality. Most customers report that they don't like the taste of the meals. The best way to learn whether the product works and if it has any drawbacks is to have a look at the real customers' testimonials.

"I have to write that I am completely discouraged with Nutrisystem. The matter is that I am not losing the weight the way I thought I would. I wrote an email to the support team and received a big answer but it does not help me. I need the promised result for my money but I don't have it!"

"I signed up on 7/27 sales from Nutri System. The saleslady explained that if I sign up to this program I will receive $50 discount the first month. When I asked whether I would get the same discount the next month, that woman answered "yes" (probably in order to encourage me to buy the program). In reality, the discount was active only the first month. And the second month that price was $20 more"

"It was the worst customer experience I have ever had! I will never buy anything from this company and I don't recommend to do it to anyone. They charged me $99.00 to cancel the NutriSystem program. I did not like not only the taste but the food itself"

Where To Buy NutriSystem?

A "basic" plan, which lasts for four weeks and includes pre-picked foods plus shipping, costs about $10 each day. In fact, the daily costs are between $8.90 and $11.04. It is around $240-$300 per month. You may order a consultation of an expert counselor or dietitian. This will cost you a dollar or two more. Nutrisystem offers a 14-day free trial which can be cancelled, according to the manufacturer. However, some customers report they had to pay $99 to cancel the trial.

My Final Summary

I cannot recommend buying Nutrisystem because it has a lot of disadvantages. First of all, the offered meals do not contains all the necessary nutrients for the human organism. The taste of food leaves much to be desired. You cannot eat out because you will need to warm your food in the microwave oven. You can't avoid the supermarket completely because on weekends you are offered to choose food on your own but try not exceed the restriction in calorie amount. Besides, you will have to buy additional fruits, vegetables, proteins and dairy products. You may get sick of heating that half-eatable food three times a day. I would advise to look for some other ways of losing weight in order to save your health and shape.