James Davis

Oxy-Powder Reviews - What Is It?

WARNING: DO NOT BUY Oxy-Powder Until You Read This Review!
Is it a Scam? Does It Really Work? Check Ingredients, Side Effects and More!

Oxy-Powder is a colon cleanser manufactured by GreenTech. This product is claimed to be completely natural. It was created by Dr. Edward F. Group III and the Global Healing Center. The product is designed to work in such a way as to remove hard fecal matter from your colon and the entire digestive tract, as well as to help you to get rid of abdominal ailments and to promote good health. The supplement is claimed to detoxify and flush your colon while you are sleeping. It comes in the form of capsules which are easy to swallow and have no horrible taste. The product contains citric acid and ozone-oxygenated magnesium, while other colon cleansers contain dangerous ingredients, like Senna Cascara, and Psyllium. The latter may lead to potassium loss, electrolyte imbalance, and GI tract obstruction.

According to the manufacturer, Oxy-Powder promises to cleanse entire 25-30 feet of digestive tract by reducing the amount of hard impacted fecal matter, when compared to other cleansers what work by stimulating mucous production in colon but not by breaking down hard fecal matter. All of these claims sound very promising but does the product really work as well as advertised? Unfortunately, we still have to investigate this question. There is very limited information about Global Healing Center online. It is only mentioned that the company is located in the USA. The official website is low-informative when it comes to the ingredients found in the formula. It only claims to be GMO-Free; Gluten-Free; Vegan. The supplement is also manufactured in an eco-friendly facility under Good Manufacturing Processes (GMP). According to the company, this intestinal cleanser is "the most powerful oxygen releasing, toxin neutralizing colon cleansing product."

Ingredients of Oxy-Powder - Does It Really Work? Is It a Scam?

Oxy-Powder was formulated by combining magnesium compounds with oxygen species and functions on a time-release system with the use of oxygen to cleanse your intestine and colon. It is claimed to work gently on your digestive lining by relieving diarrhea, bloating, poor appetite, back pain, occasional constipation, weight problems, and more. It works by dislodging compacted fecal matter built up in your digestive tract. However, there is an opinion that fecal matter never accumulates in the human digestive tract. The complete ingredient list looks like this: Organic Acacia Gum, Natural Citric Acid, Elemental Magnesium (From 2,746 mgs of Ozonated Magnesium Oxides), Kosher Certified Vegetarian Capsules. As you can see, there are not many ingredients in the formula. Let us take a look at each of these ingredients.


Elemental Magnesium (1,537 mgs) is actually Ozonated magnesium that produces nascent oxygen into the user's digestive tract. However, the manufacturer of the product does not explain the technique of functioning. What is known for sure is that this compound may lead to some side effects in some users. We will discuss the issues further in this review. The next ingredient in the product is Natural Citric Acid (100 mg) that comes from citrus fruits. It combines with the hydrochloric acid in your gut and works as catalyst for the oxygenation process. Finally, Organic acacia gum acts in the supplement as a flow agent made from the sap of the acacia tree. The product comes in Kosher certified vegetarian capsules.

As you can see, some ingredients of Oxy-Powder may be associated with certain adverse reactions. Besides, there is lack of evidence to back up their effectiveness for the treatment of constipation, bloating, and gas. The statements regarding this supplement have not been evaluated by the FDA. It means that the product is not guaranteed to treat any disease. To reduce the risk of side effects, you are recommended to follow the manufacturer's directions carefully. The company advises to take four capsules of the product with a full glass of water on an empty stomach before going to bed. If you do not feel 3-5 bowel movements the next day, you should increase your serving size by two capsules a day until you get 3-5 movements. Continue taking the supplement in this manner for five more days. Remember to drink plenty of water while taking Oxy-Powder. Make sure it has been two hours since you ate before taking the product.

Customer Reviews - Does It Have Any Side Effects?

The company behind Oxy-Powder does not provide information about possible side effects of the supplement; however, they may occur, based on our research. Elemental Magnesium, the major ingredient of the product, is considered to be safe for most people who are healthy and take it appropriately. In some users, magnesium might lead to diarrhea, nausea, stomach upset, vomiting, and other side effects. High doses of the product might cause magnesium build up in the body and cause serious side effects such as low blood pressure, an irregular heartbeat, coma, confusion, slowed breathing, and even death. Pregnant and breast-feeding women should not take it in doses higher than 350 mg daily. Children 1-3 years can take Magnesium in doses less than 65 mg daily, while children 4-8 years are recommended not to take over 110 mg of Magnesium. If you are taking any other medications consult your doctor before taking Oxy-Powder.

We have encountered quite many customer reviews about this cleansing supplement online. The majority of users seem to be disappointed with the product, since they took it following all the recommendations but this product failed to provide any worthy results. One man complaints of receiving only 18 pills instead of 20. He took the product and it caused him to be constipated. He said that he was following an anti-candida diet protocol and drank 70-80 ounces of water per day. He says the product is not worth the money for the quality it offers. Let us take a look at the actual users' testimonials found online.

"I wanted to cleanse my digestive tract but I did not want to spend three days in the bathroom. So, I decided to try Oxy-Powder; however, it did not work as expected. This product caused stomach cramping and severe bloating even though I used it as directed. It took four days until my bowels calmed down and I was back to normal. I do not recommend this product to anyone."

"I took OxyPowder as described and still did not feel any effects from this product. I was expecting some sort of elimination and cleansing effect from these pills. I don't believe that this product is able to work for others. My experience was not worth it. This product is unhelpful."

"Don't waste your money on Oxy Powder. I have been a loyal Oxy-Powder customer for eleven years and I can say for sure that it not the same product it used to be. The key ingredient was removed from the formula, Germanium. It is the most effective intestinal cleanser available on the market. It is better to buy Milk of Magnesia, and you will have better results."

Where To Buy Oxy-Powder?

You can order Oxy-Powder from the official website of the manufacturer. The product comes in three sizes: 20 capsules, 60 capsules, and 120 capsules. A 20 capsules bottle is sold at a price of $9.95. you can buy a 60 capsules bottle for $29.95, while a 120 capsules bottle can be purchased at a price of $46.95. Buying two bottles with 120 capsules you will get each for $44.95. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it to the manufacturer. The company offers 100% refund. They promise to refund the shipping charges too. A return form is submitted along with the product and the refund is processed within 1-2 business days. The manufacturer offers a return policy of 180-days. There is no free trial on the product available on the site.

The supplement can also be found on some retail stores. Amazon sells Global Healing Center Oxy-Powder Colon Cleanse Detox (120 capsules) at the price of $46.95 plus Free shipping with Amazon Prime.

My Final Summary

Oxy-Powder has a lot of disadvantages, based on our research. The main drawback of this product is that it does not work well to effectively cleanse the user's colon and remove the waste. It also fails to fight such digestive issues as gas and bloating. Very few people actually find the product effective. This cleanser is also very expensive when compared to the competition. Besides, it may cause a number of side effects. The modern market offers a wide variety of other colon cleaning products that work much better and safely than Oxy-Powder. I would not recommend this product to anybody.